List of Journal Publications:
51. Arizcuren AR, Remon L, Consejo A. Influence of brightness artefacts on corneal densitometry. Ophthalmic Physiol Opt. 2025.
50. Bartuzel MM, Consejo A, Stremplewski P, Sylwestrzak M, Szkulmowski M, Gorczynska I. In vivo identification of the retinal layer containing photopigments in OCT images through correlation with two‑photon psychophysics. Sci. Rep; 2024; 14, 15459.
49. Arizcuren AR, Jiménez-García M, Castro-Alonso F, Consejo A. Description of a new method to calculate the equator of the crystalline lens using AS-OCT images: accuracy in non-dilated measurements.Ophthalmic Physiol Opt. 2024; 44:1107–1113.
48. Alluyn L, Dequeker L, Dhaese S, Consejo A, De Zaeytijd J, Leroy BP, De Backer J, Kreps EO. Anterior scleral thickness in Marfan syndrome: a quantitative analysis. Acta Ophthalmol. 2024; 102: 1050–1056.
47. Jadnanansing A, Kreps EO, Claerhout I, Kestelyn PG, Consejo A. Quantifying the impact of uneventful LASIK on the cornea. Photonics. 2024; 11(4), 315.
46. Garaszczuk IK, Romanos-Ibanez M, Consejo A. Machine Learning-Based Prediction of Tear Osmolarity for Contact Lens Practice. Ophthalmic Physiol Opt. 2024; 44(4):727-36.
45. Vercauteren L, Consejo A, De Vries MJ, Krolo I, Ní Dhubhghaill S, Koppen C. Comparison of Scheimpflug Corneal Tomography and Anterior Segment Optical Coherence Tomography measurements in Corneal Cystinosis - A case series. Eye & Contact Lens. 2024; 50(7): 321-328.
44. Fadel D, Consejo A. Analysis of Corneo-scleral Measurements and Ocular Biometry as Predictors of Scleral Lens Parameters: A Review. Opotom & Contact Lens. 2023, 3(8):279-288
43. Fadel D, Consejo A. Scleral Shape and Its Correlation With Corneal Topographic Parameters: A Review. Opotom & Contact Lens. 2023, 3(8):268-278
42. Kreps EO, Epps S, Consejo A, Dick A, Guly C, Ramanan A. Infliximab in chronic non-infectious paediatric uveitis refractory to previous biologic therapy. Eye. 2023,17:1-6 .
41. Consejo A, Roman DM, Roll V, Remon L. Relationship between corneal tissue and shape in short-term soft contact lens wear. Ophthalmic Physiol Opt. 2023; 43(6):1372–1378.
40. Miazdzyk MM, Consejo A, Iskander DR. OCT based corneal densitometry: the confounding effect of epithelial speckle. Biomed. Opt. Express. 2023; 14(8), 3871-3880.
39. Consejo A, Roll V, Roman DM, Remon L.The influence of soft contact lens material on the corneoscleral profile. Ophthalmic Physiol Opt. 2023, 46(6):1364-1371.
38. Consejo A, Basabilbaso S, Remon L. Corneal Densitometry with Galilei Dual Scheimpflug Analyzer. Photonics, Special Issue Visual Optics. 2023, 10(4), 467.
37. Towler J, Consejo A, Zhou D, Romano V, Levis H, Boote C, Elsheikh A, Geraghty B, Abass A. Typical Localised Element-Specific Finite Element Anterior Eye Model. Heliyon. 2023, 9, e13944.
36. Consejo A, Rojas-Viñuela J, Sebastian-Carmona J, Ezpeleta J, Piñero DP. Corneoscleral junction angle in healthy eyes assessed objectively. Cont Lens Anterior Eye. 2023, 101815.
35. Consejo A, Trillo-Moreno I, Remon L. Corneal tissue changes following short-term soft contact lens wear of different materials. Ophthalmic Physiol Opt. 2023; 43(1):35-45.
34. Ballet B, Behaegel J, Reppe S, Consejo A, Aass HC, Utheim TP, Koppen C, Ní Dhubhghaill S. Ocular surface homeostasis after scleral lens usage. Eye Contact Lens. 2022;15:10-97.
33. Baraya M, Moore J, Lopes Bernardo T, Wu R, Bao F, Zheng X, Consejo A, Abass A. Limitations of reconstructing Pentacam rabbit corneal tomography by Zernike polynomials. Bioengineering. 2022; 10(1), 39.
32. Orduna-Hospital E, Arcas-Carbonell M, Sanchez-Cano A, Pinilla I, Consejo A. Contrast speckle as retinal tissue integrity biomarker in patients with type 1 Diabetes Mellitus with no retinopathy. J Pers Med. 2022; 12(11), 1807.
31. Miazdzyk MM, Consejo A, Iskander DR. Assessing and compensating for confounding factors in Scheimpflug-based corneal densitometry. Biomed. Opt. Express. 2022; 13(12): 6258-6272.
30. García-Jiménez A, Consejo A. Suspect glaucoma detection from corneal densitometry supported by machine learning. J. Optom. 2022; 15, S12-S21
29. Consejo A, Jiménez-García M, Rozema JJ, Abass A. Influence of eye tilt on corneal densitometry. Ophthalmic Physiol Opt. 2022; 42:1032– 1037.
28. Jiménez-García
M, Buruklar H, Consejo A, Dragnea
DC, Fambuena I, Hershko S, Issarti I, Kreps EO, Van Acker SI, Ní Dhubhghaill S,
Koppen C, Rozema JJ. Influence of Author’s Gender on the Peer-Review
Process in Vision Science. AM J Ophthalmol
2022; 240:115-124
27. Consejo A, Fathy A, Lopes BT, Ambrósio
Jr R, Abass A. Effect
of Corneal Tilt on the Determination of Asphericity.
Sensors. 2021; 21(22), 7636
26. Consejo A, Jiménez-García
M, Issarti I, Rozema JJ. Detection of subclinical keratoconus with a validated
alternative method to corneal densitometry. Transl. Vis. Sci. Technol. 2021;
25. Tack M, Kreps EO, De Zaeytijd, Consejo
A. Scheimpflug-based analysis of the
reflectivity of the cornea in Marfan syndrome. Transl. Vis. Sci. Technol.
2021; 10(9):34
24. Behaegel J, Tassignon MJ, Lagali N, Consejo A, Koppen C, Ní Dhubhghaill S. Outcomes of
HLA-matched allogeneic cultivated limbal epithelial transplantation in
aniridia-associated keratopathy – A single-center retrospective analysis. Cornea. 2021. 41(1): 69–77
23. Consejo A, Jiménez-García M, Rozema JJ.
Age-related corneal
transparency changes evaluated with an alternative method to corneal
densitometry. Cornea. 2021; 40(2):215-22
22. Jiménez-García
M, Ní Dhubhghaill S, Consejo A,
Hershko S, Koppen C, Rozema JJ. Scheimpflug
densitometry in keratoconus: a new method of visualizing the cone.
Cornea. 2021; 40(2):194-202
21. Van Nuffel S, Consejo A, Koppen C, Kreps EO. The corneoscleral
shape in keratoconus patients with and without specialty lens wear. Cont Lens Anterior Eye. 2021; 44(3):101343
20. Vanhonsebrouck
E, Consejo A, Coucke PJ, Leroy BP,
Kreps EO. The corneoscleral
shape in Marfan syndrome. Acta Ophthalmol. 2021;
99: 405-410
Dhaese SE, Kreps EO, Consejo A. Scleral shape and its
correlation with corneal parameters in keratoconus. Cont
Lens Anterior Eye. 2021; 44:101366
18. Consejo A, Wu R, Abass A. Anterior
scleral regional variation between Asian and Caucasian populations. J. Clin. Med. 2020;
17. Consejo A, Alonso-Caneiro D, Wojtkowski M, Vincent SJ. Corneal tissue
properties following scleral lens wear using Scheimpflug imaging. Ophthalmic
Physiol Opt. 2020; 40(5):595-606
16. Consejo A, Solarski J,
Karnowski K, Rozema JJ, Wojtkowski M, Iskander DR. Keratoconus
detection based on a single Scheimpflug image. Transl. Vis. Sci. Technol. 2020 9(7):36
15. Issarti I, Consejo A,
Jiménez-García M, Kreps EO, Koppen C, Rozema JJ. Logistic index
for keratoconus detection and severity scoring (Logik). Comput. Biol. Med. 2020; 122: 103809
14. Behaegel
J, Consejo A, Wouters K, Koppen C,
De Cock J, Ní Dhubhghaill S. Development and validation of an open-source grading
tool for outcome assessment in limbal stem cell treatment.
Cornea. 2020; 39(6):787-792
13. Consejo A, Rozema JJ. In vivo anterior
scleral morphometry, axial length and myopia. Cont Lens Anterior Eye; special edition in Myopia Control with
CLs. 2020; 43(1):21-25
12. Consejo A, Gławdecka K, Karnowski K, Solarski J, Rozema JJ, Wojtkowski M, Iskander
DR. Corneal properties
of keratoconus based on Scheimpflug light intensity distribution. Investig. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 2019; 60:
11. Issarti I, Consejo A,
Jiménez-García M, Hershko S, Koppen C, Rozema JJ. Computer aided diagnosis for
suspect keratoconus detection. Comput. Biol. Med. 2019; 109:
10. Consejo
A, Llorens-Quintana C, Bartuzel MM, Iskander DR, Rozema
JJ. Rotation asymmetry
of the human sclera. Acta
Ophthalmol. 2019; 97(2): 266-270
9. Consejo A, Melcer T, Rozema
JJ. Introduction to
machine learning for ophthalmologists. Semin Ophthalmol. 2019; 34(1): 19-41
8. Consejo A, Behaegel J, Van
Hoey M, Wolffsohn JS, Rozema JJ, Iskander DR. Anterior eye
surface changes following miniscleral contact lens wear. Cont Lens Anterior Eye; special edition in Scleral Lens. 2019; 42(1):
7. Consejo A, Behaegel J, van Hoey M,
Iskander DR, Rozema JJ. Scleral asymmetry
as a potential predictor for scleral lens compression. Ophthalmic Physiol Opt. 2018; 38(6): 609-616
6. Consejo A, Rozema JJ. Scleral
shape and its correlations with corneal astigmatism. Cornea. 2018; 37(8): 1047-1052
5. Consejo A, Bartuzel MM, Iskander
DR. Corneo-scleral
limbal changes following short-term soft contact lens wear . Cont Lens Anterior Eye. 2017;
40(5): 293-300
4. Consejo A, Llorens-Quintana C,
Radhakrishnan H, Iskander DR. Mean shape of the
human limbus. J Cataract Refract Surg.
2017; 43(5): 667-672
3. Consejo A, Radhakrishnan H,
Iskander DR. Scleral changes
with accommodation. Ophthalmic
Physiol Opt; special issue in Visual and Physiological Optics. 2017;
37(3): 263-274
2. Consejo
A, Iskander DR. Corneo-scleral
limbus demarcation from 3D height data. Cont Lens Anterior Eye. 2016; 39(6): 450-457
1. Iskander DR, Wachel P, Simpson P, Consejo
A, Jesus DA. Principles of
operation, accuracy and precision of an Eye Surface Profiler. Ophthalmic Physiol Opt; special issue in Imaging the visual system:
from the eye to the brain. 2016; 36(3): 266-278
List of Education Publications:
[BOOK] Consejo A. Multidisciplinarity in vision science:
doctoral student experiences (Original title (Spanish): Multidisciplinariedad en ciencias de
la visión: experiencias de doctorandos). 2021. ISBN: 978-84-18602-68-9
[BOOK] Consejo A. STEM distance teaching at university level (Original title
(Spanish) Docencia telepresencial
universitaria en estudios científico-tecnológicos). 2021. ISBN: 978-84-18602-82-5
[BOOK] Consejo
A. Teaching skills and motivation of
STEM university students. (Original title (Spanish) Habilidades
docentes y motivación del
estudiante universitario en estudios científico-tecnológicos). 2021. ISBN: 978-84-18891-35-9
Peer-review educational
research papers and conference proceedings:
E2. Consejo A. Divulgación científica y orientación laboral para fomentar el interés en la
asignatura de Física en grados de ingeniería. IN-RED: VII Congreso de Innovación Educativa y Docencia en Red; 2021:
E1. Consejo A, Sevillano P. Evaluación continua de la labor docente universitaria. IN-RED: VII Congreso de Innovación Educativa y Docencia en Red; 2021: