

- Artificial intelligence in contactology as a boost to the ecological and digital transition of the sector (CLAI). 2022-2024. Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain, Proyectos Transición Ecológica y Digital 2021. TED2021-130723A-I00. 93,840 EUR. Role: Principal InvestigatorCLAI (Contact Lens + Artificial Intelligence) aims to predict contact lens outcomes with the help of machine learning. CLAI is a 2-year project during which we'll introduce artificial intelligence to contact lens wear with the support of international partners from Portugal, Poland, and Belgium.

- Myopia control in young adults. 2023-2024. Vicerrectorado de Política Científica Unizar y Fundación Ibercaja (Spain), Proyectos de investigación, desarrollo e innovación para jóvenes investigadores. JIUZ2022-CIE-03. 6,000 EUR. Role: Principal Investigator.

- Artificial Intelligence for corneal Diagnosis (AID). 2023-2024. Aragon Institute for Engineering Research (I3A), IMPULSO. 10,000 EUR. Role: co-Principal Investigator.

- Study and development of deformation models of contact lenses and corneal surface. 2021-2025. Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain. Proyectos I+D+i 2020. (PID2020-114311RA-I00). 84,700 EUR. Role: Member of the research team.


Macro- and microscopic Corneal ectasia Research for Ophthalmology supported by Artificial IntelligenceNational Science Centre (Poland)OPUS 19 (2020/37/B/ST7/00559). 30,000 EUR. Role: Principal InvestigatorThe main goal of this project was to investigate the corneal microstructure using unorthodox image-based methods and to combine it with well-known measures of corneal macrostructure for advancing knowledge on corneal ectasia and for subsequent early keratoconus detection and severity grading. 

IMaging-based CUSTOMised EYE diagnostics eye -IMCUSTOMEYE, European Commission, Horizon 2020 - 779960. Role: postdoc researcher. From 2018  to 2020 I worked as a postdoc researcher for the Physical Optics and Biophotonics Group  (POB) at the Institute of Physical Chemistry (Warsaw, Poland). The main objective of IMCUSTOMEYE project was to develop a novel, non-invasive, imaging-based diagnostic tool for diagnosing and treating vision-threatening conditions.

Estimating keratoconus progression using biometric and biomechanical parameters to adjust treatment protocols for corneal crosslinking Flemish Fund for Scientific Research (Belgium), FWO-TBM - T000416N /Applied Biomedical Research. Role: postdoc researcher. Right after finishing writing my PhD thesis I moved to Belgium as a fresh postdoc to help to develop a new diagnostic tool based on artificial intelligence for the early detection of certain ocular conditions at the Antwerp University Hospital (Antwerp, Belgium). 

Investigating changes in corneo-scleral topography as a consequence of contact lens wear. PRELUDIUM 11 (2016/21/N/ST7/02298), National Science Centre (Poland). Role: Principal InvestigatorThis grant gave me my first opportunity to be the principal investigator of a multidisciplinary research project conducted in Poland (Wroclaw University of Science and Technology), Belgium (Antwerp University Hospital), and the UK (Aston University) to better understand how our eyes are affected by contact lens wear. Even though the project only lasted for 12 months numerous journal publications came out of it, for more info please check [5][7][9][10] in publications page.

- Aging Eye (AGEYE). Mathematical models for describing the shape of the anterior eye. Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions - Innovative Training Network (ITN) - 608049, European Commission. Role: Early Stage Researcher/PhD candidateDuring three hard but very intensive years (2014-2017), I was an Early Stage Researcher (ESR) at Wroclaw University of Science and Technology (Wroclaw, Poland). I got awarded a Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellowship to do my PhD within the AGEYE project. Even though I spent most of my time in Wroclaw, I had the chance to do a secondment at the University of Manchester (UK). My PhD thesis in Bio-cybernetics and Biomedical Engineering entitled 'The anterior eye surface: age, accommodation and contact lens wear’ was supervised by Dr D Robert Iskander (Wroclaw, Poland) and Dr Hema Radhakrishnan (Manchester, UK). To have more details, please check [1][2][3][4][5] in publications. I felt grateful and honored when I was awarded by EuroScience with the EYRA award as the best PhD graduate in Europe in 2017.

Thin-film CIGS photovoltaic technology. Department of Applied Physics. University of Zaragoza (Spain). Role: Research assistant. Before I decided to devote my research life to eye and vision science I spent two years (2012-2014) in the PhotonicTechnologies Group investigating more efficient solar cells.